Saturday, February 1, 2014

LuckNews in-app purchases were broken

The in-app purchase facility in LuckNews has been broken since January 15th.  With luck, it should be working again within a few hours of this article being posted - perhaps a bit longer for apple app stores outside of the USA.

If you have been waiting to upgrade LuckNews to be able to support more than 8 subscriptions, then that should be possible very shortly again.  Sorry for the delay in getting this to work.

Part of the back story is...  I'm currently sailing.  While I'm away I won't have access to internet for long periods of time.  This happened to me in early January.  In Mid January my membership in the Apple developer program lapsed (oops!) and LuckNews was removed from the App Store.  I arrived in a port on the 16th, got access to wifi and noticed the problem.  I renewed my membership and then left the port the next day to continue my sailing.  LuckNews appeared back on the app store, unfortunately the in-app purchases didn't.  Bummer.  I believe I have just solved the final piece of the renewal puzzle and the in-app purchases should be back on the store soon.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Craig.  Sailing in Mexico.

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