The second release of LuckNews was made available at the Apple App store today. There were many changes made to LuckNews for this release, and since submitting the app on the 21st, development has been continuing and I expect to have a third release out toward the end of February.
The user interface of LuckNews has been given a pretty large facelift for this release. There are three main views in the application: the subscription list; the article list and the article view. Each of these views has been improved in many ways.
In addition to the changes in appearance, there is a really nice change in how you can now navigate the articles you are reading. The article view now supports the swipe gesture to allow you to navigate to the next and previous articles in the article list very easily. This means you can use just your finger tips to scroll through an article to read it, and then swipe the article away to advance to the next one.
LuckNews now supports your being able to organize subscriptions into folders which allows you to group related subscriptions together. More than one level of folders are possible - you can put a folder inside of another folder. Moving subscriptions around is easily done in the standard Mac way, using drag and drop. Folders also have two settings that give you control over how newly arrived articles for the subscriptions a folder contains interact with both the Notification Center and the number of unread articles count which appears on the application badge. You can selectively disable both of these traits for a folder, although by default they work as normal. Use the new 'Folder Information...' menu item in the File menu to control them. In addition, the existing functionality that was in place for the OPML subscription interchange format has been improved to also support folders.
Also new is the ability to flag an article. It is easy to view only the flagged articles for any subscription or set of subscriptions. In this way, if you read an article you want to come back to later, you can simply flag it and when you want, have LuckNews show it to you again.
Normally, articles expire and are deleted when they are no longer present in a subscriptions feed. This can be changed using the settings in both the Application preferences dialog as well as for individual subscriptions via the 'Subscription Information...' menu item. The article expiry logic has changed slightly to never delete an article which you have flagged. This means that you can let articles expire normally and flag the ones you like - all the flagged articles will remain forever and the others will go away when the expiry criteria are met.
There is now also some online help for LuckNews available on this web site.
I hope you enjoy this new release. Feel free to forward comments and suggestions to:
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